Human Maade

Celebrating human creations


We aren't againt AI. We believe creations by humans that are mostly free from AI need to be highlighted and honoured. That is why if you are using any of our free badges whether social media, blogs, email signatures, video, pictures, watermarks, etc. that you pledge your creation you put the badge on is at least 80% human made.

The Pledge

You can use our badges/logos for free on any creation that you feel needs to be labelled human made. We ask you honour and pledge that your creation is at least 80% human made. This is an honour system for right now until our partners develop AI trackers.Example: You write an essay and use AI to do the edit for you with a little bit of rewording would be acceptable. Going to an AI program and telling it to write you an essay would not be accptable.

Vitae dis

Ac felis tristique mollis id praesent. Egestas nullam neque in lacus ornare posuere blandit. Quam nulla iaculis elit magna ornare porttitor etiam vel, vis eu mollis quis.

Odio urna

Blandit felis laoreet volutpat ac diam. Dis velit montes felis curae magnis faucibus arcu. Lectus lorem id mollis metus ultrices sagittis orci erat, nulla fusce lorem purus.